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Bright n' Beautiful works year-round to brighten and beautify our communities and to support efforts at improving the quality of life throughout Yellowstone County. We have several major projects during a typical year and we invite you to join in! Celebrate the New Year by donating your fresh-cut tree to our Yellowstone County Christmas Tree Recycling Program. Join your neighbors and show up to clean up during Great American Cleanup time in the spring. Have some fun sharing the love of nature with our school kids in Billings and Laurel at Arbor Day celebrations and support our high school students as they take responsibility for the upkeep of their campus and school neighborhood. Take part in Bright n' Beautiful's fall beautification and cleanup efforts and plant some beauty in our lovely shared space.  Adopt-a-Spot of your own to show you care about the beauty and safety of our community all year long. Bright n' Beautiful will support you in these worthy endeavors.

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