Billings, March 14, 2022
Over 3,000 trees collected in Yellowstone County
The Yellowstone County Christmas Tree Recycling Program stretched from Sunday, December 26 through Thursday, January 21, 2022.
A popular joint project of Bright n’ Beautiful, the City of Billings, and the County of Yellowstone, as well as generous community partners Republic Services, Rocky Mountain Compost, ZooMontana, Schnitzer Steel, and Hanser’s Automotive, the 2021-22 Christmas Tree Recycling effort was a resounding success. An estimated 3,000 trees were saved for good purpose from the landfill. Starting the day after Christmas folks dropped off their trees at ten convenient locations in Billings and Yellowstone County. We owe special thanks to the Billings Public Works Department Solid Waste crew for placing and hauling hefty containers in Billings. Republic Services did the honors elsewhere in the county by generously donating their large containers and hauling services in Lockwood, Huntley and Shepherd.
In late January, the trees were transported to Rocky Mountain Compost for grinding into rich pine mulch to be used around the community in locations like ZooMontana and the Montana Audubon Center.
Rocky Mountain Compost reports that 13 huge loads of trees from the City of Billings and Republic Services, totaling 65,000 lbs., plus 5 semi-truck loads from ZooMontana came to a grand total of 106,785.73 lbs (or 53 tons) of trees. They estimate the number exceeded 3,050. That's a lot of trees!
This year, the City added a convenient drop off location at Clevenger Park. Thanks to all our partners for hosting drop-offs in Billings and neighboring communities:
Schnitzer Steel
Hanser’s Automotive
Rocky Mountain Compost
Billings Landfill
Billings Parks and Recreation
City of Laurel
Lockwood High School
Shepherd High School
Huntley United Methodist Church
Thank you, bright and beautiful people. In fact, thank you very 'mulch'! See you next Christmas!